Thursday 30 September 2010

your first experience to Jame's Pub Thaï

Sawadee kha สวัสดี ค่ะ Geneva,

How was your last visit to Jame's Pub Restaurant Thaï & Karaoké ? or have you not visited us yet?

 If not, we can describe: Wow, the music is loud! The flashing lights are blinding, and the food as bold and spicy as you will ever taste in Switzerland! These are Isaan recipes with no threshold for chilis. Tell the staff if you wish your dish to include one, two or three chilis.
 It is only later that you realize that you have eaten better food than most tourists in Bangkok. That's what brings our customers back as regulars. We recommend booking a table for large groups.

The Jame's Pub Thaï Experience.
Rue de-Monthoux 64 "Jame's Pub" in Geneva's Paquis quartier

Monday 1 February 2010

our DJs have all the songs you want to sing!

Sawadee kha สวัสดี ค่ะ ,

 our DJs have all the songs you want to sing! Venez chanter & écouter vos chansons favorites en thaïlandais, anglais, français, chinois, vietnamien, japonais, coréen, cambodgien ... We recommend booking a table for large groups.

 The location of Jame's Pub Thaï Karaoke is the heart of the Thai community for a 150Km radius. Open every night in Geneva's Paquis quartier.
​Ouvert tous les nuits!